W 2:15--3:05, Ayres 114 (in person)

Goal: improved mathematical talks to a non-specialist mathematical audience

Plan: each week, a student will give a 45-min talk intended for a general mathematical audience, followed by 5 min
for comments/critique from the audience (students and instructor.) Students will also send written comments to the course cooordinator, to
be shared with the speaker.

Course coordinator: at the organizational meeting on 8/18, one of the students will be chosen as course coordinator.
Coordinator: Mitchell Sutton

In principle the talks will be scheduled in alphabetical order (last name), with possible swaps arranged by
the course coordinator.

Ideally the talks will be white board talks (not Beamer); Beamer talks acceptable if the number of slides is kept low.

Grading: for students attending almost all the sessions and contributing comments, the grade will be A or B+, depending on
the quality of their talk.

Covid-19 policy: masks required, see:

Vacccination strongly recommended (if not vaccinated, consider taking the course in spring.)

Since A114 is a small room, it may not be possible to seat 11 students with adequate separation. If you don't expect to graduate in spring/summer 2022,
consider taking M599 in spring.

Schedule of talks:

8/25  Freire   Mass, capacity and geometric inequalities

9/1   Buch Modeling the effect of basal sprouts on tree disease transmission

9/8  no meeting

9/15 Lawson Finite Ideal Factorization Domains

9/22 Lacy  Dynamics and control of an invasive species (zebra mussels)

9/29 no meeting

10/6 Sutton  Fractional Differential Equations and Numerical Approximations

10/13 Igoe  ZCTA-level predictors of Covid-19 hospitalization risk in the St Louis area

10/20 Sisk Network-theoretic approach to the basic reproduction number R_0

10/27 Varghese Characteristic sets of matroids

11/3 Valega Mackenzie Resource allocation in an open ecosystem

11/10 Sautel Properties of the multiplicative shift on de Branges-Rovnyak spaces