5/20/99: These are binary versions of release 1.01 of Knotscape. Please see the README file for details of what's new.


Download Knotscape 1.01 (Linux binaries, compatible with Redhat 7.x) (4729966 bytes)

Download Knotscape 1.01 (SUN4 binaries, not compatible with the latest versions of Solaris) (5,293,071 bytes)

Download Knotscape 1.01 (Alpha binaries) (5,322,633 bytes)

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If your operating system is a flavour of UNIX not listed above, you might be able to compile the binaries. For all non-hyperbolic parts of Knotscape, use the Makefile in Knotscape's main directory. For the hyperbolic routines (which depend heavily on Jeff Weeks's Snappea), download the source code and follow the instructions contained therein.