I am currently a Phd student in the Department of Mathematics at University of Tennessee. My advisor is Dr.Maroulas.

My research lies in the area of computational statistics and probability. Especially, I am interested in nonlinear Bayesian filtering, statistical learning and its applications. Presently, I'm working on the development of particle filter algorithms and its applications in Multi-target tracking problem.


  • K.Kang, Disseration, Advanced sequential Monte Carlo methods and their applications to sparse sensor network for detection and estimation
  • K. Kang, V. Maroulas, I.D. Schizas, F. Bao, "Drift homotopy and likelihood bridging particle filter", in preparation.
  • V. Maroulas, K. Kang, I.D. Schizas, M.W. Berry, "A learning drift homotopy particle filter", in IEEE Information Fusion, 18th International Conferencce, 2015.
  • K. Kang, V. Maroulas, I.D. Schizas, "Drift Homotopy particle filter for non-Gaussian multi-target tracking", in IEEE Information Fusion, 17th International Conference, 2014.
  • K. Kang, V. Maroulas, "Drift Homotopy Methods for a non-Gaussian Filter", in IEEE Information Fusion, 16th International Conference, 2013.

  • Particle Filter with MCMC moves -- double well potential

    • Math 115

      Statistical Reasoning

      Spring 2015 · Introduction to statistics

      Math 119

      College Algebra

      Fall 2014 · General introduction to basic algebra.

      Math 141

      Calculus I

      Summer 2014 · Introduction to limits of functions, derivatives, and so on.

    Ayres Hall
    1403 Circle Dr., Room 247
    Knoxville, TN 37996
    Phone: (865) 964-7695
    Office Hours(Fall 2015):W 2:00 - 3:00/ T:4:30-5:30
    Kai Kang
    kang AT math DOT utk DOT edu