Math 119                College Algebra                  Fall 2004                


Instructor:  Dr. Karin Pringle

Office: Ayres 230


Web page:

Office Hours:  M,W,F: 10:00-11:00 or by appointment         


Classes:  HOS 110C, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:20-1:10 p.m.


Required Text: College Algebra by Lason/Hostetler, 6th Edition, Houghton Mifflin


Online Software Package: Students enrolled in Math 119 are required to use Eduspace—Houghton Mifflin’s Online Learning Tool.  Eduspace is free with the purchase of a new textbook or may be purchased separately.  The course code that you will need to register is: PRING-566B35508A4E34. 


Calculator:  A graphing calculator is not required but we will be using them frequently and will be very helpful.  I suggest a TI-83 plus or TI-84.  Any calculator with alphanumeric capabilities, such as the TI-89, will not be allowed. 


Course Description:  Math 119 is a review of algebraic functions, equations, and inequalities for students who satisfy the course prerequisites for 123 or 125 but whose placement test scores indicated additional preparation is necessary. The goal of Math 119 is to prepare students for Math 123 and/or Math 125.  Prerequisite: 2 years of algebra and 1 year of geometry and either satisfactory placement test scores or Math 100.  Math 119 does not satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning requirement.   3 credit hours.


Course Requirements: You are expected to attend and participate in all class meetings. As part of the Eduspace package, you will be taking on-line quizzes over each concept.  In addition, each week 1 short in class quiz will be given over sections previously covered.  No late quiz will be given.  However, two of your lowest scores on your quizzes will be dropped.  Four midterm exams will be given tentatively Sept. 13, Oct. 6, Nov. 1 and Nov 22.  Early or late exams will be given at the instructor’s discretion only if the student notifies the instructor well in advance of a conflict.  The final exam is common to all sections, will be cumulative and made by the course coordinator. You must take the final at the scheduled time which is Friday, December 3, from 8:00-10:00 am.  Make-ups will be given only if you have a verifiable emergency.  You should contact your instructor as soon as possible if you miss the final exam.


Math Tutorial Center:  The Math Tutorial Center is in Ayres Hall room 322.  It provides free tutoring.  Hours of operation are posted at


Grades:  Grades will be determined using the percentages and grading scale below.  Points are earned by performance on quiz, on-line quiz and test items. Your letter grade is a measure of your mastery of course material and your fulfillment of course objectives. 

Online quizzes: 5%

In class quizzes: 10%

Midterm Exams: 15% each

Final Exam: 25%


A: 90-100%   B+: 87-89%   B: 80-86%        C+: 77-79%        C: 70-76%        D: 65-69%

F: below 65%


Withdrawal Dates:  August 27, last day to add or drop without a W.

September 28: last day to drop with a W.

November 9: last day to drop with a WF/WP.


Students with Disabilities: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability or if you have emergency information to share, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 191 Hoskins Library, 974-6087. 



Math 109: Math 109 (Algebra Workshop) is a lab-based, guided tutorial for students who need additional help (as determined by placement exams, assessment exams, or classroom performance).  Students practice concepts and algebraic skills needed (but not necessarily taught) to master the material covered in 119.  This one credit hour course meets at a time selected by the student compatible with her/his schedule.  Students should register for either section 59108 or 62118.  Once registered, check the announcements at under Algebra Workshop for more information.  Students in 119 can earn up to 10 points for their work in 109.  These points are added to their lowest exam, excluding the final exam.


Academic Honor Code:  All students are expected to read and abide by the University Honor Statement.  In mathematics classes, violations of the honor statement include copying another person’s work on any graded assignment or test, collaborating on a graded assignment without the instructor’s approval, using unauthorized “cheat sheets” or technical dives such as calculators, cell phones or computers for graded tests or assignments, or other infractions listed in “Hilltopics”.  These violations are serious offenses, subject to disciplinary action that may include failure in a course and/or dismissal from the University.  The instructor has full authority to suspend a student from his/her class, to assign an “F” in an exercise or examination, or to assign an “F” in the course.  See “Hilltopics” for more complete information. 


The Honor Statement:

An essential feature of the University of Tennessee is a commitment to maintaining an atmosphere of intellectual integrity and academic honesty.  As a student of the University, I pledge that I will neither knowingly give nor receive any inappropriate assistance in academic work, thus affirming my own personal commitment to honor and integrity.


Classroom Etiquette:  Please be considerate of the instructor and those around you.  Come to class on time and for the entire period.  Either silence or turn off cell phones and beepers before you enter the classroom.  Do not talk to classmates at inappropriate times. Refrain from reading newspapers or working on other coursework during class.


How to Succeed in Math 119:

  1. Attend all class meetings and be on time.
  2. Participate in each class meeting by taking notes, listening carefully, asking questions and offering input during class discussions.
  3. Plan to devote 2 hours of homework and studying for every hour spent in class. Preferably, do a little every day so that you keep current with the material.
  4. Read the textbook and study the example problems.
  5. Do all assigned homework in a timely manner. Check your answers and your work.
  6. If you have a question or need more information, get help either by coming to an office hour, emailing your instructor the specific question, or going to the math tutorial center.
  7. Find a classmate to be your study partner.