Math In Industry - Alexiades
                  GUIDE on Preparing Proposals
The purpose of a proposal is to convince someone (upper management, a funding agency) to fund your work.
It should describe the subject matter, the significance of the problem to be studied,
the methodology to be followed, what will be delivered, a timetable of the work, and a budget!

Typically, proposals are organized as follows:
    Title page
  1. Introduction (Background/Significance)
  2. Problem description
  3. Methodology
  4. Deliverables
  5. Timetable
  6. Budget

Here are some general guidelines for each part.

0. Title Page
  Proposal TITLE

1. Introduction/Background
  A description of what this is about
  Background information, context in which the issues arise
  Significance/relevance of the subject matter
  What is known about the problem
  Importance of the problem to be studied
  Qualifications of personnel involved in the project

2. Problem Description
  Description of the problem to be studied
  Questions/issues to be addressed
  Expected impact of the proposed work

3. Methodology
  Description of how the problem will be approached
  Tasks envisioned
  Name/characterize the methods/approaches to be used
  Main features/advantages/disadvantages of proposed methods

4. Deliverables
  What will be delivered at the end of the project

5. Timetable
  Duration of proposed work
  Milestones: which task will be completed by when

6. Budget
  Personnel qualifications
  Expected costs for personnel, materials, travel

Of course, some of these might perhaps be irrelevant/inappropriate for a particular project,
but it wouldn't hurt including whatever you can come up with, be creative...