July 2021 - SIAM Annual Meeting, online
February 2020 - Institute for Theoretical Geophysics Seminar, Cambridge, UK
October 2019 - Numerical Analysis Seminar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
March 2019 - Applied & Computational Math Seminar, Univ. of South Carolina
July 2018 - Particle-based Methods in Materials Science, Edinburgh, Scotland
July 2018 - Advances in Applied & Computational Math: In Memory of Peter Smereka, Univ. of Michigan
May 2018 - CNLS 38th Annual Conference on Rate Theory and Long Timescale Simulations, Santa Fe
November 2017 - Materials Research Society, Boston
October 2016 - Physics Colloquium, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan
September 2016 - Junior Colloquium, University of Tennessee
June 2016 - The Magma/Mantle Dynamics of Earth, INI for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK
May 2016 - SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia
June 2015 - Materials Defects Reunion Conference, Lake Arrowhead, California
December 2014 - IAS Multiscale Modeling & Simulation of Defect Problems in Materials Science, Hong Kong
October 2014 - The 7th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Berkeley, California
June 2014 - Materials Defects Reunion Conference, Lake Arrowhead, California
June 2013 - SIAM Meeting of Materials Science, Philadelphia
May 2013 - Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Delaware
February 2013 - SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Boston
December 2012 - Materials Defects Culminating Workshop, Lake Arrowhead, California
October 2012 - Workshop II: Atomistic and Mesoscale Modeling of Materials Defects, UCLA
September 2012 - Materials Defects: Mathematics, Computation, and Engineering, UCLA
May 2012 - Heterostructured Nanocrystalline Materials Workshop, Brown University
December 2011 - Applied Mathematics Seminar, Purdue University
July 2011 - 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vancouver, Canada
June 2011 - Coarse-Graining of Many-Body Systems: Analysis, Computations & Applications, Crete, Greece
March 2011 - Junior Colloquium, University of Tennessee
January 2011 - Multiscale Simulation of Heterogeneous Materials, Belgium
July 2010 - 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia
May 2010 - SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia
March 2010 - AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Lexington, KY
November 2009 - 6th Annual Clusters and Nanoparticles Meeting, Lake Tekapo, New Zealand
October 2009 - Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Seminar, University of Tennessee
October 2009 - 2nd US-China Workshop on Nanostructured Materials for Global Energy, China
August 2009 - The 17th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
May 2009 - Eurotherm Seminar 84: Thermodynamics of Phase Change, Namur, Belgium
July 2008 - Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Northwestern University
June 2008 - 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Venice
June 2008 - Bridging Time & Length Scales in Materials Science & Bio-Physics Reunion Conf., IPAM
May 2008 - SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia
March 2008 - Applied Mathematics & Computation Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
December 2007 - Mathematical & Computational Nanoscience Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand
November 2007 - AMS Regional Meeting, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
November 2007 - Mathematics Colloquium, Univ. of Tennessee
July 2007 - 6th International Congress on Industrial & Applied Mathematics, mini symposium, Zurich
June 2007 - Bridging Time & Length Scales in Materials Science & Bio-Physics Reunion Conf., IPAM
November 2006 - Differential Equations and Computational Math Seminar, University of Tennessee
November 2006 - Junior Colloquium, University of Tennessee
October 2006 - Meeting on Kinetic Monte Carlo and Micro Fluidics, Princeton
May 2006 - Applied Mathematics Seminar, Courant Institute, New York University
April 2006 - Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar, Princeton
April 2006 - Applied Mathematics Colloquium, New Jersey Institute of Technology
February 2006 - Nanotechnology Seminar, Industrial Research Ltd., Wellington, New Zealand
January 2006 - Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics Seminar, University of Michigan
November 2005 - IPAM Multiscale Analysis & Computation Workshop, IPAM
October 2005 - IPAM Applicable Mathematics Seminar, IPAM
May 2005 - Materials Science Seminar, IMA, University of Minnesota
November 2004 - Nanoscale Materials Interfaces Workshop, National University of Singapore
May 2004 - SIAM Meeting on Materials Science, mini symposium, Los Angeles
May 2004 - Applied Mathematics and Computational Science Seminar, NIST
October 2003 - Bio Mathematics Seminar, Vanderbilt University
September 2003 - Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Northwestern University
August 2003 - Workshop on Continuum Models for Epitaxial Growth, University of Bonn
July 2003 - 5th International Congress on Industrial & Applied Mathematics, mini symposium, Sydney
May 2003 - SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, mini symposium, Snowbird, Utah
March 2003 - Materials Science and Engineering Seminar, Univ. of Tennessee
November 2002 - Mathematics Seminar, Univ. of Tennessee
May 2002 - Fronts, Fluctuations and Growth Conference, Univ. of Michigan
February 2002 - Applied Mathematics Seminar, Courant Institute, New York University
January 2002 - SIAM mini symposium on Modeling and Simulation for Thin Films, San Diego, California
August 2001 - 13th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Burlington, Vermont
June 2001 - Steve Davis, G.I. Taylor SES Medalist Symposium, San Diego
November 2000 - Mathematics Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park
November 2000 - Mathematics Seminar, George Mason University
November 2000 - APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Conference, Washington DC
May 2000 - SIAM Conf. of Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, mini symposium, Philadelphia
March 2000 - Interactive Dynamics Conference of Convections and Solidification, Chamonix, France