Math In Industry - Alexiades
                           Term / Team Project

As an integrative experience in modeling, and an incentive to explore an interesting topic, start thinking about a Term Project topic.

The idea is to start with a problem/process, develop a (simple?) model, perform some analysis/simulation, and deduce something about the original problem.

It can be from any area of science/technology/economics/..., from your own field, or something you find interesting and would like to explore.

After I collect the topics, I will assign you to a team (hopefully with similar interests, from different major),
and each team will work on a project together the rest of the semester. Thus you will experience the joys (...and pains) of collaborating with others.
If you have reasons not to work with anyone, please let me know...

Each team will prepare a PROPOSAL, a REPORT, and also present their work to the class in a 15-20 minute presentation during final exam period.
  • Sep 1:  Submit at least one project topic (for creation of teams).
  • Sep 15:  Submit a title and short description for the Team
  • Oct 1:  Submit a Team Proposal.
  • Nov 1:  Submit a rough draft of Team Report for feedback.
  • Dec 3 :   Submit the Team Project Report.
  • Dec 11 , 1:00-3:10 Presentation to the class (during final exam time period) ...then we can all go to Calhoun's...
              Suggested Report Format
    0. Title page
      Title, team members, date, abstract.
    1. Introduction
      Background, issues/questions to be addressed.
    2. Problem description
    3. Model formulation
    4. Methods
      Possible approaches, methods you actually used (brief description).
    5. Solution
    6. Discussion
      Interpretation of the solution, relevance to original questions.
    7. Conclusions
    8. References
                      Have Fun !