The equation needed for the carbon dating problem is

The natural logarithm of the value of the remaining carbon 14 is needed. The computer can be particularly useful in solving this equation since some frequently used computations are built into the FORTRAN language. These built in operations, such as, square root, absolute value, and tangent, are called intrinsic functions. The natural logarithm of X is such an intrinsic function. These functions are accessible directly from a FORTRAN program. The argument of a function is the input value to that function and can be a constant, a variable, or an expression. An intrinsic function and its argument represent a value. The type of value returned by a function is determined by the function. Some intrinsic functions are generic meaning that they return the same type as their input argument. Table 1 lists some commonly used intrinsic functions. The names of the arguments specify their type; X is REAL, IX is INTEGER, GX is an argument of a generic function.

Table 1: Intrinsic Functions
Name Value Comment
REAL(GX) real value of GX converts the argument to a real value
INT(GX) integer part of GX converts the argument to an integer value
SQRT(X) calculates the square root of X
LOG(X) calculates the natural log of X (base e)
LOG10(X) calculates the common log of X (base 10)
SIN(X) sine of angle X calculates the sine of X (X expressed in radians)
NINT(X) rounded integer value of X rounds X to nearest integer value
COS(X) cosine of angle X calculates the cosine of X (X expressed in radians
EXP(X) raises base e to the x power
ABS(X) |X| calculates the absolute value of X
MAX(GX,GY,...) maximum of (GX, GY, ...) returns the maximum value of GX, GY,...

The REAL function can help avoid mixed mode arithmetic expressions by explicitly converting variable types. For example, when computing the average of a set of REAL values it is necessary to divide the real sum of the values by the number of values. Use the following statement to convert the integer number of values into a real value for the division:

aver = sum/REAL(n)

If INTEGER values were used to obtain the value of sum, the sum would also be an INTEGER. To represent the average by a REAL value, use the following statement:

aver = REAL(sum)/REAL(n)

It is possible to nest intrinsic functions, that is, to use the function of one intrinsic function as the argument for another function (composition of functions). The following statement uses the composition of the ABS function and the LOG function to compute the natural logarithm of the absolute value of r

ablog = LOG(ABS(r))


Program Description
This program computes and outputs cosine(x), cosine(x)^2, and the square root of x.

Input/Output Description
The output consists of the value of x, cosine(x), cosine(x)^2, and the square root of x.

  1. Calculate cosine(x), cosine(x)^2, and the square root of x.
  2. Print the value of x, the cosine(x),cosine(x)^2, and the square root of x.


Intrinsic Functions Example Program


1. Line Segment Program
Program Description
It is possible to determine the distance between two points (A and B) and the midpoint of
the two points when you know their coordinates. Write a FORTRAN program that
determines the distance between two points (the length of segment AB) and the midpoint
of the points.

Input/Output Description
The values for the x and y coordinates for point A and point B are assigned. The output is
the length of segment AB and the midpoint of segment AB.

Mathematical Equations
The length of segment AB is calculated: length = sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2).
The x coordinate of the midpoint of segment AB is calculated: xmidpt = (x1 + x2)/2.
The coordinate of the midpoint of segment AB is calculated: ymidpt = ((y1+y2)/2

  1. Assign the x and y coordinates for point A.
  2. Assign the x and y coordinates for point B.
  3. Calculate the length of segment AB.
  4. Calculate the midpoint of segment AB.
  5. Print the length of AB and the midpoint of AB.

Part of the code is done for you. Follow the steps below to complete it.
  1. Key in the partially completed line segment program.
  2. Add documentation (program headings, variable list, explanation of the use of the SQRT function). Fill in values for each ???? in the program.
  3. Compile and execute the program.
  4. Modify the program to read in three points and to calculate and print the distance between points one and two, points two and three, and points one and three.

2. Roller Coaster Problem

Problem Statement
The plans for a new roller coaster call for a portion of the track to be built in the shape of a sinusoid. The high and low points on the track are separated by 50 m horizontally and by 30 m vertically. The low point is 3 m below the ground. The vertical timbers are spaced every 2 m. The track first goes below ground at 39.76 m from the high point of the track. Calculate the length of the vertical support at any point from the high point of the track.

Input/Output Description
The output is the length of the vertical support and the distance of the support from the high point of the track.

Mathematical Equation
The general equation of a sinusoidal function is y = C + A cos B(x-d) where A, B, C, and D are constants. Let y be the number of meters the track is above ground and x the number of meters horizontally from the high point. The equation for this problem expresses the length of the vertical supports in terms of x. The equation for the length of the vertical supports is

length = 12 + 15 * COS(3.14159/50 * x)

  1. Calculate the length of the vertical support.
  2. Print the length.

Execute the program with each of the following x values and complete the chart.

X Length X Length X Length X Length X Length

What do the negative values represent?

3. Carbon Dating Problem

Problem Statement
Carbon dating is a method for estimating the age of organic substances. It compares the amount of carbon 14 contained in the remains of the substance with the amount of carbon 14 that would have been in the object's environment at the time it was alive. Write a program that reads the proportion of carbon 14 remaining in an artifact and then calculate and print the estimated age of the artifact.

Input/Output Description
The input is the proportion of carbon left in the artifact. The output is an estimate, in years, of the age of the artifact.

Mathematical Equation
The following equation gives the estimated age in years of an artifact using the LOG function (base e).

age = -(LOG(carbon)/1.216 E-0.4)

age = the age of the substance
carbon = the carbon 14 proportion remaining in the substance


  1. Input the proportion of carbon 14 remaining in the artifact.
  2. Calculate and print the age of the artifact.

4. Population Growth Program

Problem Statement
A geometric growth model can be used to determine the change in population. If the
growth rate is positive then the population will increase, but if it is negative, the population
will decrease. Write a FORTRAN program that calculates the population growth of an

Input/Output Description
The user inputs the values for the present population size, the number of years, and the
annual difference between the birth rate and death rate.

The output is the change in the population.

Mathematical Equation
The growth model formula is:

p = present population size
m = number of years
r = annual difference between the birthrate and death rate

  1. Read the current population.
  2. Read the number of years.
  3. Read the annual difference between the birthrate and death rate.
  4. Compute the change in population.
  5. Print the change in population.