Alexiades - UTK
How to Print Plots from Gnuplot and line types

Such things can be done much more efficiently and conveniently using scripts... see my gplot scripts...
1. Producing postscript (.ps)
First you prepare your plot as you want it in gnuplot.  Then:

gnuplot> set term postscript     (will produce postscript output)
gnuplot> set output "" (output to any you want)
gnuplot> replot                  (recreates plot but you don't see it, goes to file)

gnuplot> set term x11  on unix   or: set term win  on win  
	(resets the normal terminal so you can do more plotting)

Now you have a postscript file named  containing your plot.
On UNIX:  you can view it with: gs  or  ghostview
             or produce .pdf:  ps2pdf  printme.pdf 
On WIN :  you can view it with  GSview  (may need to install it)
On MAC:  you can view it with  preview

NOTE: A full specification for .ps that sets font size etc is:
       set term postscript landscape enhanced color dashed "Helvetica" 14 

2. Producing png   (image file, similar to .jpg)
gnuplot> set term png             (will produce .png output)
gnuplot> set output "printme.png" (output to any filename.png you want)
gnuplot> replot
gnuplot> set term x11

You can view it with some viewer, or on a browser, or print it...
or import it in PowerPoint  or  whatever you want to do with it.

3. Gnuplot colors
Line type and line width are specified by lt and lw.
With set term postscript dashed, types are:
lt:   −1 :black(solid), 0 :black(dashed,faint), 1 :red(solid), 2 :green(dashed), 3 :blue(dashed), 4 :magenta(dashed), 5 :cyan, 6 :yellow(hard to see)
lw:   1 (thin), 2 , 3 , ...
Good combinations:   lt −1 lw 2 ,   lt 1 lw 2 ,   lt 2 lw 3 ,   lt 3 lw 3 ,   lt 4 lw 4
With set term postscript solid , OR with set term png, same colors but all are solid lines.