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The University of Tennessee

Department of Mathematics

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I enjoy teaching a wide variety of classes at all levels from calculus on up. Since I arrived at UT in the fall of 1992 I have taught about 20 different courses including calculus (classical, reformed, hybrid, and honors, including differential equations), introduction to abstract mathematics, real analysis, honors matrix algebra, engineering matrix algebra, abstract algebra (regular and honors), honors advanced calculus, geometry, Lie groups/topological groups, topology, and differential geometry. I have written texts for Math  300/7 and Honors Advanced Calculus, as well as notes for a course on Lie and topological groups.

The website Tennessee 101 provides summaries of teaching evaluations.


Contact Information

Dr. Conrad Plaut
Professor, Department Head
Mathematics Department
University of Tennessee
Knoxville TN 37996-1300

Phone: 865-974-2463