(12/13 - 5:35pm) I've just posted some info about the final resutls. Check Final Grades below. Your grades haves also been submitted to the Registrar Office (check them at Circle Park Online) and posted at Blackboard.
(12/12 - 7:00pm) I've just posted the solutions for the finals. Check the section Final below.
(12/11 - 3:00pm) I've just posted some info about the results of the Final: check the section Final below. (All your grades, except the letter grade for the course, have been posted at Blackboard.) Information about the grades for the course should come tomorrow.
(12/05 - 2:00pm) Here is the Take-Home Final. Remember that it is due on Friday (12/08) at 10:15am, i.e., before the In-Class Final.
(12/04 - 2:00pm) Section 10.3 will not be in the exam.
(12/01 - 6:50pm) I've finished a preliminary version of our final(s). I want to show it to other professors and see how far we will go on Monday before making it final. Here is some info:
(12/01 - 5:45pm) We will have a review on Monday (12/04) at 4:30pm. The room is Ayres 309A.
(11/27 - 4:40pm) If you have any grade corrections to be made in homeworks or exam, please bring it to me ASAP. I will not change a grade (of old HW or midterm) after I figure out the curve for the course!
(11/27 - 4:15pm) I've started thinking about your final.
My first idea is to give it in two parts. I will give you the first
part as take-home (worth about 60 points) in the last class day
(12/05), and you would turn it back on our final scheduled time
(Friday 12/08 at 10:15am). Then, at that time you would take the
second part, the
in-class part (worth about 40 points), from 10:15am to 12:15pm.
This second part (in-class) would be straight forward (you should be
able to do it without having to think much about it!), and I'd expect
you to be able to finish in about one hour (or less), but you would
have 2 hours for it. The first part (take-home) would contain the
harder problems, but I would expect a well prepared student to do it
in about one hour and a half (or less).
On the other hand, there will be limits (do be determined later) on
how many points you have to get in the in-class part, like, ``to get a
C or more, you need at least 25 out of 40'', ``to get an A you need at
least 35 out of 40'', etc.
This is my first idea, and I will start working on the final with that
in mind. If you have any comments or suggestions, e-mail me or use the On-line
Feedback Form ASAP.
(11/23 - 11:00am) I posted the classification of groups of order 18 in the section Handouts below.
(11/17 - 11:45am) I posted the solution to the Extra credit problem in the section Handouts below.
(11/15 - 2:40pm) I've posted the results of the Makeup Midterm II.
(11/09 - 5:30pm) I strongly recommend that you
check all your HWs and exams to see if your points were added
correctly. In HWs, you should also make sure that the totals add up
to the total of the assignment. (If not, I might have skipped one of
your questions.) Bring me your assignment if you find any
Please, do not leave this to the last minute!!!! The longer you
wait, the harder it is to change your grade.
(09/15 - 12:35pm) I will start now using Blackboard for posting grades only!! This way you can keep track of your scores and let me know if there are any discrepancies between your actual grade and your recorded grade. You are probably familiar with Blackboard, but in any case, to check your grades go to http://online.utk.edu/, log in and choose ``Abstract Algebra I''. Then, click on ``Tools'' and then on ``My Grades'' (or click on ``Course Information'' and ``View Grades''). But note that this site will have all other info! (Blackboard is only for grades.)
(08/23 - 4:00pm) Please, check this section often. I will put announcements and important info here.
(08/23 - 9:45am) Please, hit the ``Refresh'' or ``Reload'' button on your web browser every time you visit this page, so that you can see the most recent updates.
Back to the TOP.
The total grades for the course were computed. The average for the total grades was 65, the median 64.14.
Here is how the grades were assigned and the number of people in each range:
Grade | Average | # of people |
A | 78-100 | 3 |
B+ | 75-77 | 0 |
B | 70-74 | 2 |
C+ | 60-69 | 5 |
C | 48-59 | 1 |
D | 34-47 | 1 |
F | < 34 | 0 |
You can round your average to the closest integer: 77.2 is a 77, 77.5 is a 78.
This is as nice as I can be! I've talked to a few professors, and this is the best I can do. As some of you might notice, I dropped the "you need at least a 20 in your In Class Final to get a C" requirement.
If you want to see your final or check your average, make an appointment.
I have already submitted the grades to the registrar office. I suppoese that you can already check it at Circle Park Online. I also posted them at Blackboard.
Back to the TOP.
Instructor: Luís Finotti
Office: Ayres Hall 212-D
Phone: 974-1321 (please do not ask me to call back -- leave your e-mail)
e-mail: lfinotti@utk.edu
Office Hours: MWF 9:00am-10:00am or by appointment (subject to change!!)
Textbook: M. Artin. ``Algebra'', 1st Edition. Prentice Hall, 1991.
Prerequisite: Math 300 and Math 251 or 257.
Class: MWF 10:10-11:00 at Ayres Hall 214. (Section 1.)
Exams: Midterms: 09/29 (Fri) and 11/06 (Mon), in regular classroom and time; Final: 12/08 (Fri) from 10:15am to 12:15pm, also in our regular classroom.
Grade: 20% for HW + 20% for each Midterm + 40% for the Final. Note the weight of the HWs!
Back to the TOP.
Here is the Midterm I and the Midterm I with solutions.
The exams were graded and will be returned in class on Monday (10/02). If you are not in class that day, you have to come by my office to pick up yours. (I will not take them to class anymore.) The average was 70.36 and the median was 74.5, which seems OK. The highest grade was 92.
Here is how I would curve the grades for this exam and the number of people with each grade:
Grade | Range | # of people |
A | 87-100 | 3 |
B+ | 83-86 | 2 |
B | 78-82 | 1 |
C+ | 70-77 | 3 |
C | 60-69 | 1 |
D | 47-59 | 3 |
F | < 47 | 1 |
Note: This curve is just to give you an idea of how I curve. In the end I will not even look at this curve, I will just curve all the final averages.
Back to the TOP.
You can check the Midterm II and the Midterm II with solutions.
The exams were graded and will be returned in the class Wednesday (11/08). The average and median were around 39, which is, of course, just horrible. The highest score was 77.
I will not give a curve to this exam here, since I can't make myself give a C to someone with 39. This means that we need to figure something out to settle this situation. We will discuss it in class on Wednesday.
Here is a little about the distribution of the grades.
Range | # of people |
75-100 | 1 |
60-74 | 1 |
45-59 | 2 |
35-44 | 4 |
25-34 | 3 |
20-24 | 1 |
< 20 | 1 |
Back to the TOP.
You can check the Makeup Midterm II and the Makeup Midterm II with solutions.
The exams were graded and were be returned in the class today, Wednesday 11/15. The average was 77.6 and the median 85. The highest score was 99. The results were good, but it was a simple exam, very similar to the Midterm II itself.
I will not give a curve to this exam, since I will curve only your ``official grade''. (See below.) But here is a little about the distribution of the grades.
Range | # of people |
90-100 | 3 |
85-89 | 3 |
80-84 | 1 |
75-79 | 2 |
70-74 | 1 |
60-69 | 0 |
< 60 | 2 |
Your ``Official Midterm II Grade'', which will count as 20% of your grade, replacing your actual ``Midterm II Grade'', was computed as
The average of these grades was 59 and median was 64.4. The highest score is a 88.4.
Here is how I would curve these grades and the number of people with each grade:
Grade | Range | # of people |
A | 80-100 | 2 |
B+ | 73-79 | 1 |
B | 67-72 | 3 |
C+ | 63-66 | 2 |
C | 58-62 | 1 |
D | 50-57 | 1 |
F | < 50 | 2 |
Note: This curve is just to give you an idea of how I curve. In the end I will not even look at this curve, I will just curve all the final averages.
Back to the TOP.
Here are the finals: Take Home Final, Take Home Final Solution, In Class Final, In Class Final Solution.
The finals were graded. We had:
Exam | Average | Median | Highest Score |
Take Home | 38.25 | 40.5 | 56 |
In Class | 23.08 | 23.5 | 38 |
Final (Total) | 64.03 | 65 | 87 |
The results of the Take Home part were reasonable, but the results of the In Class were pretty bad. Given the level of diffculty of the exam, and the amount of time given to you for the In Class, I find that pretty disturbing. We had 5 people below 20, and, as stated in class, those should not get a C in the course. (I will think about it and discuss it with others though.)
Here is the grade distribution for the Final (Total):
Range | # of people |
85-100 | 1 |
80-84 | 1 |
70-79 | 2 |
60-69 | 3 |
50-59 | 2 |
40-49 | 1 |
< 40 | 2 |
Note that the finals will not be returned, since they have to be kept on file. If you want to see your final or check your average, make an appointment.
There is no point in giving a curve for this grades, since I will curve your averages directly.
Back to the TOP.
In this course (and in its sequel, Math 456) you will be introduced to algebraic structures such as groups, rings, and fields. It is very important that you already have some practice with writing proofs (which was covered in Math 300) and familiarity with matrices and vector spaces (which was covered in Math 251 or 257). You will have to write many proofs in this course, and many of the examples we will look into will be related to matrices. Therefore, I will assume you have the proper background from both Math 300 and Math 251/257. If you had difficulty in those courses, you might need to review the material. (I would gladly try to help you with that if you come to my office hours.)
Homeworks will be assigned after every class and will be posted at this page. (See Homeworks below.) No paper copy of the HW assignments will be distributed in class. It is your responsibility to check this page often!
The HWs will be collected on Mondays (except on Labor's Day week, when it will be due on Wednesday). (EDIT: HWs are now due on Wednesdays.) Each HW will have problems from the previous week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday lectures). The problems to be turned in, as well as due dates, will be clearly posted at the Homework section below. Note that not all of the problems turned in will be graded, but you won't know which until you get them back.
No late HWs will be accepted, except in extraordinary circumstances which are properly documented.
It is your responsibility to keep all your graded HWs and Midterms! It is very important to have them in case there is any problem with your grade.
I will do my best to post solutions. Please check the Important Notes section soon.
In my opinion, doing the HW is one of the most important parts of the learning process, so the weight for them is equal to the weight of a single midterm, and I will assume that you will work very hard on them.
Also, you should try to come to my office hours if you are having difficulties with the course. I will do my best to help you. Please try to come during my scheduled office hours, but feel free to make an appointment if that would be impossible.
You will have to check your e-mail at least once a week, preferably daily. I will use your e-mail (given to me by the registrar's office) to make announcements. If that is not your preferred address, write me an e-mail letting me know ASAP. I will assume that any message that I sent via e-mail will be read in a week or less, and it will be considered an official communication.
Due to privacy issues, I cannot send grades via e-mail, unless you sign a document saying that you are aware that e-mails are not secure and not necessarily private. If you want to sign such document, please let me know. (I will post a form at this page soon. Please check the Important Notes section soon.)
I have an Online Feedback Form where you can anonymously send me your comments and suggestions. I will consider your comments and try to do whatever I can to resolve possible problems before it is too late. So, please, feel free to use it whenever you have any constructive comment or suggestion. (In fact, I would greatly appreciate it.) If you don't want you comments to be anonymous, just send me an e-mail or come by my office and we can discuss the problem.
We will likely cover the following portions from the text:
Chapters 2, (parts of) 5, and 6 give an introduction to basic
concepts of ``Group
Theory''. (Chapter 5 also deals with the particular case of ``Groups of
Symmetries'' in details.) We will likely start Chapter 10, which
deals with ``rings'',
but we might have to finish it in Math 456.
Here are some other books you might find helpful:
The first two books are considered ``easier'' books, and although
they also have a somewhat different approach, they have most of the
topics we will cover and may be of good help if you have difficulty
reading Artin's book.
The last one is a ``standard'' text for a first course in abstract
algebra, but might have a higher level of difficulty. (It's been used
for the honors section of this course.) Nevertheless, it is a very
good reference.
Back to the TOP.Additional Bibliography
Legal Issues
All students should be familiar and maintain their
``Academic Integrity'': from Hilltopics
2006/2007, pg.40:
Academic Integrity
The responsibility for learning is an individual matter. Study, preparation and presentation should involve at all times the student's own work, unless it has been clearly specified that work is to be a team effort. Academic honesty requires that all work presented be the student's own work, not only on tests, but in themes, papers, homework, and class presentation. There is a clear distinction between learning new ideas and presenting them as facts or as answers, and presenting them as one's own ideas. It is part of the learning process to incorporate the thoughts or ideas of others into one's own mind and presentations with the purpose of learning and enlarging on personal boundaries of knowledge.
You should also be familiar with the ``Classroom Behavior Expectations''.
Students with disabilities that need special accommodations should contact the ``Office of Disability Services'' and bring me the appropriate letter/forms.
For Sexual Harassment and Discrimination information, please visit the ``Office of Equity and Diversity''.
Back to the TOP.
Wednesday, August 23 - Classes begin.
Friday, September 01 - Last day to add, change grade options, or drop a full semester course without a "W".
Monday, September 04 - Labor Day Holiday. (No class.)
Friday, September 29 - Midterm I.
Tuesday, October 03 - Last day to drop a full term course with a "W".
Thursday-Friday, October 12-13 - Fall Break. (No class.)
Monday, November 06 - Midterm II.
Tuesday, November 14 - Last day to drop with a WP/WF.
Thursday-Friday, November 23-24 - Thanksgiving. (No class.)
Tuesday, December 05 - Last Class Day.
Friday, December 08 - Final.
Back to the TOP.
Back to the TOP.
Back to the TOP.
Please read: I will try to post here a few solutions. The new solutions will be added to this same file. They might come with no explanation, just the ``answer''. If yours do not match mine, you can try to figure out again. (Also, read the disclaimer below!) You can come to office hours if you want explanations for the answers. Be careful that just because our ``answers'' were the same, it doesn't mean that you solved the problem correctly (it might have been a ``fortunate'' coincidence), and in the exams what matters is the solution itself. I will do my best to post somewhat detailed solutions, though.
Disclaimer: I will have to put these solutions together rather quickly, so they are subject to typos and conceptual mistakes. (I expect you to be a lot more careful when doing your HW than I when preparing these.) You can contact me if you think that there is something wrong and I will fix the file if you are correct.
Solutions to Selected HW Problems (Click on ``Refresh'' or ``Reload'' if you don't see the changes!)
Back to the TOP.
HW1 - Due on Monday 08/28:
Review matrices and vector spaces (from Math 251/257).
Section 1.1 (pg. 31): 1, 2, 4, 11.
Section 1.2: 2, 12, 14.
Section 1.3: 1(b), (c), (d), 2 (Hint: row operations).
HW2 - Due on Wednesday 09/06:
Section 1.4: 1, 4.
Section 2.1 (pg. 69): 1(b), 3, 4, 7, 11. (Note: I did not do in class anything very similar to number 4, but just remember that every element of a group has an inverse. It is almost like you can ``divide'' both sides by something, but in fact you multiply both sides by an inverse to get rid of a term. But be careful: the group might not be Abelian!
HW3 - POSTPONED!!! (See Important Notes above.) Due on Wednesday 09/13:
Section 2.2: 2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 16(a), 17. Note: I excluded number 10 (from my previous list here)!
HW4 - POSTPONED!!! (See Important Notes above.) Due on Wednesday 09/20:
Section 2.3: 1, 4, 5, 9, 12.
Note: For 12 you need to know what an automorphism is: an automorphism is just an isomorphism from a group G onto itself.
HW5 - Due on Wednesday 09/27:
Section 2.4: 4, 8(b), 9, 13(a), 14, 17, 22.
HW6 - Due on Wednesday 10/04:
Section 2.5: 2, 5, 6. (Maybe you should also review a little about equivalence relations from Math 300.)
HW7 - Due on Wednesday 10/11:
Section 2.6: 1, 3, 5, 10(a). (Hint for 10(a): use Proposition 6.18)
Section 2.7: 1, 3.
HW8 - Due on Wednesday 10/18:
Section 2.8: 2, 3, 4(a), 4(b), 5, 6.
HW9 - Due on Wednesday 10/25:
Section 2.9: 1, 2, 5.
Section 2.10: 1(a), (b), (d), 3, 9, 10. (The last one was supposed to be 11.)
HW10 - Due on Wednesday 11/01:
Section 5.5 (pg. 192): 1(b), (c), 3, 8 (hint for 8(a)), 11(a).
Section 5.6: 1.
You can also try the Extra Credit Problem, but it is due in class Monday (10/30), NOT Wednesday!!! You are not allowed to discuss this problem with anyone!
HW11 - Due on Wednesday 11/08:
Section 5.6: 2, 6, 7.
Section 5.7: 6. (Hints: For (a) use problem 5: you can assume its statement is true without proving it. For (b), don't make it complicated. Look at some of our ``most used'' groups.)
HW12 - Due on Wednesday 11/15:
Section 6.1 (pg. 229): 1, 2, 4, 6, 10(a), (e), 12.
Section 6.3: 4, 5, 7, 13.
HW13 - Due on Wednesday 11/22:
Section 6.4: 1, 2, 3, 13, 15.
HW14 - Due on Wednesday 11/29:
Section 5.3 (pg. 189): 1, 2, 4. (These are about the dihedral group. Note that the text uses D_n for what we use D_2n.) Hint for 4(c): The answer is yes and to prove it you just need to show that the product group has two generators that satisfy the same properties as the two generators of the dihedral group.
Section 6.7 (pg. 233): 1.
Section 6.8: 1 (to show this, you basically need to show that you can get a and b from the two elements given in the problem), 6 (there is a typo in the statement: it should read ``N and G/N cyclic'' instead of ``G and G/N cyclic''), 16.
Extra Credit: Prove that if a group has order 24, then it is not simple. Alternatively, prove the same for order 36. (You can do either one.) These might be difficult... (Or, maybe I just did not see the easy way...) You are not allowed to discuss this problem with anyone! You should not look for the solved problem in other references either!
HW15 - not to turn in (just to study for the final):
Section 10.1 (pg. 379): 6 (you can replace the complex
numbers with real numbers in this problem), 8(a), (c), 9(a), (c),
11(a), (b), 13. Section 10.3: NOT IN THE EXAM! (Do it only if you
want to have some fun...) 2, 4, 8(a), 9, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 29,
VISITING THIS PAGE!!!!!!! I usually get messages asking for the
update in the HW when it has already been updated. Since I change
this page often, some times the browser don't see the changes. But,
if you hit refresh and there is still problems missing, feel free to
write me. If it is already Friday afternoon and there still is a
``More to come'' after the HW assignment due on the coming Monday,
write me an e-mail at lfinotti@utk.edu, and
I'll update it and let you know. Back to the TOP.